Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oh, if everyday was a writng assignment . . .

I received a very thoughtful card from my friend Jennie earlier this week which read, " I thought this might brighten your day! Take care of yourself! I am thinking about you guys." Enclosed was CC's writing assignment for the day. I'll just fix all of the spelling and grammar as I type, because this one's a doozy!

I am most thankful for my Mom. I am thankful for her because she takes care of me more than anyone else. I am also thankful for her because she does everything she can to make sure I get what I need, and that I am happy. She loves me a lot and encourages my dreams to become an actress and a singer. She takes care of me when I am sick and helps me to do better in school. I am very, very thankful for her because she pays for my musicals and drives me really far everyday for rehearsal. She gets me everything I need because it makes me happy. I owe a lot to my Mom and I am very thankful for her.


Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

Thats the sweetest thing ever..
Did you make sure the name on the top was actually her's??? :oP

Just kidding..

That is really really sweet of her though...

Or not sweet since its the sugarless CC talking!

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

but can you post the "unrated" version????

Those make me laugh soo hard!

Did she say "Tooken"???

That would make my day!

Mixed Up Me said...

Oh my goodness, you are hilarious! No, she didn't use "tooken", but she did manage to spell 'very' and 'thankful' different each time she wrote them. I swear, the kid has talent!

Mixed Up Me said...

Hey Ryley, You want to read a funny letter that I didn't edit? Go back and read the letter from August 30th . . . oh my goodness, I read it again tonight and almost peed my pants!! Remember, "I want to be superior . . ." Maybe I SHOULD post the unedited version of the "thankful" writing assignment because they seem to be more entertaining than when I edit them. Anyway . . . .


Awww children seem to melt out stress away!

Diane said...

If only my children were thankful. You are the best mom and don't forget it. I hope you have a wonderful day and when it gets cray just re-read the original note.

ibeebarbie said...

Hi there,
Nearly brought a tear to my eye, but I wonder if my hold back was because I thought there was a catch. Truly I have no doubt about CC's love or appreciation.

LOL@Ryles wanting the "unrated" version. AND, LOL at "tooken".

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

Okay.. so funny story..

We were in the car today.. (We as in me and Aaron) and we were having a random conversation about how rice makes people constipated.. i disagreed and told him it doesnt..and he told me his mom has always told him it was a "binder" (Seriously.. his mom says the word "Binder" almost every time i talk to her!!)
Anyway.. he says
"Haven't you ever tooken an ice cream scoop and scooped rice and when you squeeze the handle to let it out it all sticks together.
See its a binder."
I'm actually suprised I remember the whole thing.. my ears stopped at TOOKEN!!!!
And what a random thing to say right?
Like he couldnt just say..
"Have you ever noticed how sticky rice is?"
Anyway.. that made my day!!!
My poor kids are going to say Tooken and costed!!!
(I can not for the life of me break him of his costed habit!)

Mixed Up Me said...

Well, that's okay because your children's grandmother (as in, our mom) says 'notchet' So good luck with having children with proper grammar! I've just given up!!!

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

There's nothing wrong with feminine nacho's!! :)
Notchet... i dont think we'll ever break her of that one either!



Mel said...

Oh wow! It is my dream that Reece would write this about me some day.

And it would be especially nice if he also recognized that I take care of him the most :)