Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Just so you know I'm still here . . .

I don't have a lot of time to write because I have LOTS of typing to do for the playbill. I just wanted to let everyone know I am still here . . .I miss you all! I promise (I think, I hope) that I will write a real post soon. Until then, it was cast photo day today, so enjoy the few pictures I have. I would have more except I got a new camera (Yay Me!!) and every time I took a picture, it would set off the photographers flash, and I kept getting "yelled" at, so I didn' t take many pictures. Oh well, that's life!


Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

Is that what kind of hair tornadoes have????

If so. I'm a little worried to see what kind of hair flying monkey's have!

Katie said...

So cute. Glad to know that you are still around!!!


Ohh laa laa I want the silver wig!

ibeebarbie said...

WOW what a wonderfully colorful cast. You still have fingers after all the typing? You are amazing. :-) Love ya.