Friday, January 4, 2008

So, I went to Costco . . . .

. . . and purchased 96 bazillion gallons of apple juice. While I was showering last night, my ever so Charming Child poured all of the 96 bazillion gallons down the sink.

"Why," I asked.

"Because they said 'Best if Used By 12-07-08' and I thought since 2008 just started, it must have been a typo and it was supposed to say 12-08-07, and then it would be like three weeks old, " was her response.

" And yet you will leave a container of yogurt on the counter all day long, and take a bite every once in awhile . . . oh forget it!"


Ryley @ That's My Family! said...


She seriously poured it all down the drain??

Hopefully you'll make her do something to pay you back for all of that...

I can't beleive she would actually do something like that..

Mixed Up Me said...

Seriously! I can't make this stuff up!

She is drinking water now, that is payback according to her. It's like death!

ibeebarbie said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Well you did mention you were cutting her back on sugar, so certainly this would be a way.


HA!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness great story!

Sarah said...

CRACKING UP! That is too hilarious! Teaches you not to take a shower!! LOL