Thursday, February 7, 2008

He's Back . . . .

All New . . . Brothers and Sisters . . . this Sunday! That's all . . .


Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!

really?? How did I miss that??

So I better make sure I have nothing going on Sunday night!!

Mixed Up Me said...

Apparently you weren't watchiung Cashmere Mafia last night when they had the commercial!! I seriously almost peed my pants, I was so excited. Sad, really . . .I think I need a life!

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

No.. its very exciting..

But how did they get new shows??

Do you think they are rationing them? Like the have 5.. but they are only going to play one a month???

ibeebarbie said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL - your post reminds me of a recent winter poem I received, which is pretty much like this post---short, sweet and to the point. The winter poem was as follows:

The End